Jandon Center for Community Engagement
The Jandon Center engages faculty, students and community partners on social-change projects that tackle community-driven goals. Through experiential learning and scholarship, students build essential capacities in critical thinking while providing significant leadership on urgent, complex issues facing communities and society. To learn more about ongoing opportunities, sign up to receive our newsletter.
Advancing Social Equity and Supporting Healthy Communities
About the Center
Women & Religious Leadership Symposium
Meet With Us
Set up a time to talk with one of us about:
- the CESC Concentration (Maddie DelVicario)
- the SAJE Fellowship (Nancy Zigler)
- Community Service Organization and getting involved locally (Hannah Gates)
- Collective organizing (Ana Del Conde)
- Activism and career pathways (Denys Candy)
- the STEAM Team (Asli Ali)
- the Food Rescue Network (Autumn Guntor)
- the Math Resilience Project (Charlotte Ljustina)
Schedule a time using our scheduling page.
I’ve always loved community service, and the Jandon Center helps me bring love for others to create a better world. That’s what Smith is all about.
Jandon Center, by the Numbers
students actively engage in Jandon Center projects each year
community organization partners
pounds of food from Smith dining halls are donated to a local community kitchen each week
van trips are taken by students each week to community partner sites
Jandon Center Voices
Contact Jandon Center for Community Engagement
Wright Hall
Smith College
Northampton, MA 01063
Phone: 413-585-3060 Email: jcce@xiaoneizhi.com